Full Name
Amber Wilcox
Speaker Bio
Amber Wilcox is a burn survivor, yoga instructor, and marketing professional
from Ormond Beach, Florida. After her kitchen accident in 2020, Amber
faced burns on 20% of her body from a hot caramel spill. After two skin graft
surgeries from Orlando Regional Burn Center, Amber experienced hypertrophic
scarring and underwent a series of laser burn surgeries at Tampa General
Hospital. As the Marketing Lead for Phoenix Society, Amber oversees our organizational and service marketing, manages our PR and media efforts, develops strategies to grow and continually engage with our community, and so much more. When not
marketing, Amber enjoys volunteering for Phoenix Society as a Peer Supporter,
teaching yoga for Kula for Karma supporting youth in Florida detention centers,
or providing free yoga for peers on her website, yogaamber.com.
Amber Wilcox